Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Helllllloooooo, September! How I love you so. Maybe it's the cooling temperatures, the sound of marching bands or the general frenzy of football season's commencement, but i. love. september. OR maybe it has a little something to do with the 25th day of this wonderful month. OK, admittedly, I am one of those girls that is obsessed with her birthday. Does that make me shallow, immature, self-obsessed??? I think not. I think this obsession makes festive!

My birthday last year was the best one yet. hands down. Only a week before, this guy I had a HUGE crush on asked me to marry him. So yes, 24 was amazing. The last year of my life has definitely been my favorite year to date. Some highlights: first comes baby lofto, we find out some of our besties, the frid's, are having a baby, weeks later i find out i will be an aunt, i start a new job that i love, life-long bestie has a baby, sisser has my perfect baby nephew, i become mrs. fuson, i move in with a boy, other life-long bestie gets engaged, baby avery comes into the world..... Yes, this is all during year 24. What a fantastic year!

While it might seem like 25 has a great deal to live up to. I'm not worried. For starters, I love being married, and that's not going anywhere. Secondly, bestie SJ's wedding will be here in a few short months. And I'm expecting babies from some other friends, Mr. and Mrs. Adcock just to get us started. Ok, ok, back to my birthday. This year, not only does my birthday fall on a Saturday night....sweet. But, I will be 25 on the 25th. Thus, this is my golden birthday! The mister will be 26 on November 26th of this year too. Pretty neato if you ask me. Gah, i just love birthdays. Let the countdown begin!!!

Some memories of birthdays past...

23rd with my sweet boyfriend (2008)

the years change, the friends don't :)

Tin Angel. yum

Fiance. 24th (2010)

Lofto on the way, Avery who? Oh what a diiference a year makes!


Em said...

love the Avery who and all yo bling :)

Elliott and Cherry Wood said...

I, for one, could do without the Lofto on the way pic--GEEZ I was huge! Glad that's in the past--but YAY for double golden birthdays-I think you should go on a trip to celebrate :)