Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So Many Celebrations, So Little Time, Oh My!

This past weekend was utterly fabulous! Within one Saturday night, the hubby and I set out to celebrate 3 significant occasions. First, we reminisced upon the excitement of a year ago by eating a picnic dinner at the Parthenon. Blanket and all, we sat in the exact spot he proposed last Sept 18th and fine-dined on Wendys and champagne. ha. About half-way through the meal, I decided that no dinner could represent our relationship anymore... fancy and low-maintenance :)

Next, we traveled out to Kingston Springs for the much-anticipated Welcome Home party for Timothy Ryan Wiles. How perfect that two years in a row, September 18th marked a celebratory occasion for our family! Wrapped in blankies and cooing at CiCi's funny faces, Timbo was a wonder to watch. More updates on the Wiles family to come...

Lastly, Chad and I went back down town to play with some of our besties, SJ and J. Born only 5 days apart, Sarah Jane and I are always excited about eachother's birthdays, and this year couldnt be any different. J, the fiance, knows Sj too well and took her to see THE Dolly Parton at the Ryman... unbelievable. We all met up afterward, and as always, it was a hilarious/wonderful time for all.

Highlight of the night: We decided to go to Red Door and were all awkwardly gawking at this stupid "couple" standing in the middle of the crowded porch having a very-uncomfortble makeout sesh. Jay, of course, decides to video the couple, but being the gentleman that he is, rather than uploading to facebook or youtiube, walks right over to the couple. "Um... excuse me.... hey guys.... hellooooooo. I just wanted to tell yal'll that you are free to leave. Oh and by the way, this is what you look like..." PLAY. hilarious. Seriously though, people, you're in your late 20s, that's ridiculous, but thanks for the entertainment!

My lovely SJ. 25!!!!! woohoo!

Next on Venus and Mars... Beauty on a Budget....stay tuned!!!!

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