Monday, March 21, 2011

See Yaaaaaa......

Tomorrow I will be here...

So tonight, naturally, I will be here...

This is actually a photo taken of me recetnly. I've had a little work done.

Okayyyy. Youre right. This isn't me. I knew the belly-button ring would give it away.

See ya next week, people. I will be spending the next few days frolicking in the sunshine and riding bikes at Seaside. Chad and I are so excited to get away with the Loys, Courtneys and obv, the Fridrichsens. I know some of them will be missing their little squeelers, which is understandable, but I plan to whine and make goofy faces at them, so they'll feel right at home. We are so thankful to Aunt B for a free place to stay. I by so thankful I mean, soooooo thankful.

By the way, I have located my, once again, missing camera. Therefore, I promise to take a few festive photos from our trip. I'll be the tan one... on day one... who gradually pales throughout the week. Reverse tanning; safe but sad :(

Surfs up

1 comment:

Em said...

your implants look SO real ;)